Tag: management

  • Founder Meaning and Qualities

    The meaning of being a founder is to be the one who starts the organization (country, startup, movement, etc.). They come up with the initial goal, they look for funding and people who are going to implement their vision. Founders can change goals over time, hire CEO / CTO / CFO or do all the…

  • What is Founder Mode

    Founder mode is when you approach problems as if you are the startup founder. It means that you show an extreme level of care, ownership, and motivation to solve problems in a most efficient and effective way. Another important aspect of founder mode is that you always keep the business side of things in mind.…

  • Boy Scout Rule – Secret Sauce Against Degradation

    One of the most important qualities that I look for into in people is if they care about our common interests. This can be a contractor that goes the extra mile when renovating my house. It can be a partner who does small, but important steps to make our relationships flourish. Care is about continuous…

  • Outputs and Outcomes Mindset

    Output and outcome terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but it is essential to understand their difference. The difference matters in planning, management, or software engineering activities. One of the recent tendencies on the market is that teams are focusing more on outcomes, so there are many questions on what it actually means, to have an…

  • Tough Times in Tech: How to Deal and Survive

    This article is not a historical analysis. This article discusses how to deal and survive during tough times in tech industry, how to motivate yourself and your team. Both managers and individual contributors can find it useful. Folks from the tech industry remember epidemic times a bit differently than others. There was shock, unrest, and…

  • Efficiency and Effectiveness Difference

    There is a difference between efficiency and effectiveness. This is a very common question that pops up from time to time during planning, executing, retrospective analysis, and everyday life. In short, efficiency is about doing things right to achieve the goal (emphasis on execution), and the effectiveness is about doing the right things to achieve…

  • How to Be a Good Manager

    Managing is extremely difficult. Looking back, being an individual contributor has certain benefits. As a contributor, you are responsible only for your own actions, you are almost not involved in politics, and the work scope is focused and specific. Sometimes I do miss those days, but the complexity of management makes it enough fun and…

  • How to Track Employees

    “John keeps failing the deadlines”, “Joana is unresponsive during work hours”, “I do not know what my employers are doing and sometimes it feels like company just wastes money” – these are real questions my clients ask during coaching sessions. I am an adept of Socrates’ approach, so I am trying to nudge people into…