Tag: personal efficiency

  • Boy Scout Rule – Secret Sauce Against Degradation

    One of the most important qualities that I look for into in people is if they care about our common interests. This can be a contractor that goes the extra mile when renovating my house. It can be a partner who does small, but important steps to make our relationships flourish. Care is about continuous…

  • Efficiency and Effectiveness Difference

    There is a difference between efficiency and effectiveness. This is a very common question that pops up from time to time during planning, executing, retrospective analysis, and everyday life. In short, efficiency is about doing things right to achieve the goal (emphasis on execution), and the effectiveness is about doing the right things to achieve…

  • How to Track Employees

    “John keeps failing the deadlines”, “Joana is unresponsive during work hours”, “I do not know what my employers are doing and sometimes it feels like company just wastes money” – these are real questions my clients ask during coaching sessions. I am an adept of Socrates’ approach, so I am trying to nudge people into…

  • Make Personal Efficiency a Habit

    As we discussed before, there are certain steps to improve personal efficiency and it is a truly life-changing experience. Yes, it takes time and willpower. Moreover, you might have to spend some time getting used to a new to-do app. However, this is one of those investments that will be paying you back your entire…

  • Clear Your Thoughts and Stay Focused to Achieve Goals

    It is essential to stay organized, keep the cognitive load low, and stay focused. Otherwise, the work-life balance is almost impossible and it is very hard to achieve all goals you have. Let’s see how to reach this state of mind! Clear your thoughts or Get Things Done You probably heard about the concept called…

  • I Want to Want Something or What is My Life Goal

    Wanting something is a pure motivation to live from within, this is why not wanting anything is a bad signal. Understanding what you truly want gives energy, focus, and meaning of minutes on Earth (as limited as they can be). Finding the goal of life takes time and effort, but when you find it, you…

  • Understand What Matters and Start Achieving Goals

    You need to know where you are going and what matters to you. Come up with a plan how to achieve goals that matter to you. Break goals down, track plan execution by using specialised tooling, and be in control of your life. Set and achieve the goal Always ask questions “why”, do not believe…

  • Value and Track Every Minute of Your Life

    Constantly question yourself if you are doing something valuable for you right now, right here. At first it is going to take extra effort to track things you spend time on. However, in the long run it will give great insights into what your life is spent on and will boost your personal efficiency. One…

  • Personal Efficiency and How to Become Better at It

    To apply things we are going to discuss further, it does not matter what you do in your life. My dear reader can be a hard-worker in an investment fund, or be an entrepreneur bending under a heavy weight of responsibilities. Maybe you are a lifestyle blogger or a mother of three beautiful kids. It…